TrueCrypt Critical Flaw Highlights the Need for OSTIF Support for VeraCrypt

TrueCrypt - The venerable full disk and container encryption software that was abandoned by its developers in 2014, was believed to be secure, despite the development of the software ending. This was the consensus among the security community because the software had been audited by iSec (a subsidiary of NCC).…

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OSTIF Progress Report – Transparency – September 23rd 2015

  • Post category:Financial

OSTIF is marching toward our first major fundraiser and we have reached a number of milestones. We have established our Kickstarter account. Our website is in its near-final form. Only minor graphic edits remain. We are compiling lists of organizations to reach out to in order to solicit donations. This…

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OSTIF Pay Structure – Efficiency Targets – Overhead

  • Post category:Financial

Transparency - OSTIF Operational Efficiency and Salaries The OSTIF board has discussed at length the issues of pay, overhead and efficiency for the organization. We have tackled the issue and are hoping to meet or exceed our goals for keeping overhead low and efficiency high, while rewarding successful campaigns and…

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OSTIF Has Reached Out to Quarkslab for Auditing Services

  • Post category:QuarksLab

We are currently in talks with Quarkslab about possible contracts for getting our supported apps audited. We have selected Quarkslab as a candidate for multiple reasons. They have a strong team of professional staff that works heavily in the areas of software security auditing and cryptography. They have done public…

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OSTIF Social Media

We have created our social media accounts and will begin posting all of our news and blog posts to keep everyone informed of our activities! Reddit Handles: OSTIForg and OSTIFofficial Facebook: (FACEBOOK IS NO LONGER IN USE) Twitter: @OSTIFofficial YouTube: (Subject to change) Google+: (G+ IS NO LONGER IN…

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