The VeraCrypt Audit Results

VeraCrypt 1.18 and its bootloaders were evaluated. This release included a number of new features including non-western developed encryption options, a boot loader that supports UEFI (modern BIOSes), and more. QuarksLab found: 8 Critical Vulnerabilities 3 Medium Vulnerabilities 15 Low or Informational Vulnerabilities / Concerns This public disclosure of these vulnerabilities coincides with the release of VeraCrypt 1.19…

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OSTIF + QuarksLab Audit of VeraCrypt Completed – Phase II Begins

OSTIF + QuarksLab Audit of VeraCrypt Completed - Phase II Begins The audit of VeraCrypt has been completed, and the final report is being created over the coming days. The VeraCrypt developers have the preliminary results and we are working with both VeraCrypt and QuarksLab on the timetable for releasing…

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OSTIF Has Reached Out to Quarkslab for Auditing Services

  • Post category:QuarksLab

We are currently in talks with Quarkslab about possible contracts for getting our supported apps audited. We have selected Quarkslab as a candidate for multiple reasons. They have a strong team of professional staff that works heavily in the areas of software security auditing and cryptography. They have done public…

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