Audit of Jackson-Dataformats and Jackson-Datatypes Complete

OSTIF is proud to share the results of our security audit of Jackson subprojects. Jackson-dataformats-binary, Jackson-dataformats-text, Jackson-dataformat-xml, Jackson-datatype-joda, and Jackson-datatypes-collections are open source subprojects that contribute to Jackson (described as “JSON for Java”). With the help of Ada Logics and the Sovereign Tech Fund, these subprojects will be more secure…

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Our Audits of Jackson-Core and Jackson-Databind are Complete

We’re excited to report the results for the security audits of Jackson-Core and Jackson-Databind. Jackson-Core and Jackson-Databind are Java projects that are widely adopted for parsing and binding data. The security review was facilitated by Open Source Technology Improvement Fund backed by the OpenSSF and carried out by Adalogics. The…

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Google is partnering with Open Source Technology Improvement Fund, Inc to sponsor security reviews of critical open source software

Announcement:  Google is partnering with Open Source Technology Improvement Fund, Inc to sponsor security reviews of critical open source software.  OSTIF is elated to announce that we are planning to improve security of eight open-source projects thanks to support from the Google Open Source Security Team. This marks a major…

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