November 19th OpenSSL Fundraiser Updates – Progress and Thank Yous

Our work fundraising for the massive OpenSSL 1.1.1 project continues. Our project is now up to hundreds of backers and dozens of companies and organizations.

I would like to thank OpenVPN Technologies for their continued support (they have donated an additonal $5000), and our new big supporters Shawn C (AKA “citypw” of the Hardened Linux project) and two anonymous donors that made significant contributions. We’ve also had many small donations from the wider community.

This places the project at 40% funded, and we will continuously work until the money is raised and the project can be completed.

Your involvement is crucial in the success of this project and OSTIF as a whole. We need our supporters to make as much noise as possible to make the community aware of this project and what we are trying to accomplish. If you are a customer of a company that utilizes OpenSSL (hint: almost all of them do) send them a message about their opportunity to contribute to making the web safer for all of us! The more businesses and individuals we get in our coalition, the more we can accomplish and the faster we can get things done.

If you want to support this crucial project, be sure to donate here and share our message to everyone you possibly can!

We are making the web safer for all of us. Keep pushing!