OSTIF’s Favorite Bug- DragonFly!

This summer, over four engineer weeks, Trail of Bits and OSTIF collaborated on a security audit of DragonFly. A CNCF Incubating Project, DragonFly functions as file distribution for peer-to-peer technologies. Included in the scope was the sub-project Nydus’s repository that works in image distribution. The engagement was outlined and framed…

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Dampening Vulnerabilities in Dapr: Security Audit of Dapr

In May and June of 2023, OSTIF and ADA Logics worked with the open source project Dapr on a holistic security audit. The Distributed Application Runtime (or Dapr) is a project for building distributed applications across cloud and edge. It is an easy, portable, and serverless way to build sustainable…

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OSTIF collaborates with the Envoy Team to further improve security posture.

Envoy, the open source edge and service proxy designed for cloud-native applications, worked with OSTIF and X41 D-Sec to help improve the project’s security posture. The multi-phased engagement, sponsored by Google, focused first on the triaging and closing of bugs, then upon further improving the core fuzzers that continually monitor…

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OSTIF completes Security Audit of Crossplane- improved across the board!

Crossplane underwent a successful third party security audit by ADA Logics with the support of Open Source Technology Improvement Fund (OSTIF). Used by firms such as JP Morgan, Time Warner, and MIT Lincoln Lab, the project is considered Incubating at CNCF. Over the first half of 2023, the multi-cloud control…

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OSTIF’s Audit of Equinox P2 is Complete!

The Eclipse Foundation’s Equinox P2 was audited by Include Security in November 2022. Equinox P2 is a provisioning platform, started by IBM in 2001. The Eclipse Foundation was founded three years later to act as an open, non-for-profit leader of the Eclipse Project community.  OSTIF was contacted by the Foundation,…

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The OSTIF Audit of Curl with Trail of Bits is Complete

Results of curl Security Audit  By: Amir Montazery, OSTIF Open Source Technology Improvement Fund (OSTIF) is thrilled to announce the results of a security audit and threat model for curl. In development since 1998, curl is a command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs. Curl is used…

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The OSTIF Audit of Backstage with X41 D-Sec is Complete!

We’re excited to report the results for the security audit of Backstage. Backstage is a software catalog and development platform that enables teams to quickly ship high-quality code. The security review was facilitated by Open Source Technology Improvement Fund backed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and carried out by…

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Our Audit of KubeEdge is Complete. Multiple Security Issues Found and Fixed.

Open Source Technology Improvement Fund (ostif.org) is thrilled to report the results of a security audit of KubeEdge. KubeEdge is an edge computing framework built on top of Kubernetes and extends native containerized application orchestration and management to hosts at the edge. The result of this engagement is the finding…

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