The OSTIF Impact Report for the Cloud Native Computing Foundation

Open Source Technology Improvement Fund (OSTIF) is proud to share the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Impact Report for 2022. This report is a follow-up to our August 2022 post and is based on CNCF’s strong commitment to improving security posture of projects, a sound guiding policy and project maturity…

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Our Audit of Cilium is Complete!

Results of the Cilium Security Engagement About Cilium Cilium is an open source software for providing, securing and observing network connectivity between container workloads, powered by eBPF sandboxing in the linux kernel. It provides cloud-native network security and observability while maintaining strong security properties itself. Similar tools without eBPF have…

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Our Audit of Kubernetes Event Driven Autoscaling (KEDA) is Complete!

Results of the KEDA Security Engagement KEDA, or the Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling project, was reviewed by Trail of Bits at the end of 2022. KEDA joins a growing list of CNCF Projects audited to improve security posture and help reach graduated status thanks to strategic partner OSTIF. A combination…

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Our Audit of Python-TUF is Complete. Multiple Issues Found and Fixed

Open Source Technology Improvement Fund is thrilled to report the results of another security audit. Python-TUF is a reference implementation written in Python for The Update Framework (TUF); a framework for secure content delivery and updates. The primary result of the work is one medium and four low-severity issues. Details…

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The OSTIF Audit of Backstage with X41 D-Sec is Complete!

We’re excited to report the results for the security audit of Backstage. Backstage is a software catalog and development platform that enables teams to quickly ship high-quality code. The security review was facilitated by Open Source Technology Improvement Fund backed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and carried out by…

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The Cloud Native Computing Foundation and OSTIF Impact Report

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation and OSTIF Impact Report OSTIF has been working with the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) on a number of security projects over the last year. This has been a large collaborative effort to help CNCF projects improve their security posture by conducting code audits, building…

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Our Audit of Argo is Complete. Critical and High Severity Security Issues Found and Fixed.

Open Source Technology Improvement Fund is happy to report the results of yet another security audit, this time of the Argo project. The Argo project is a collection of tools for getting work done with Kubernetes. The main components of Argo audited are:  Argo Workflows - Container-native Workflow Engine Argo…

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Our Audit of KubeEdge is Complete. Multiple Security Issues Found and Fixed.

Open Source Technology Improvement Fund ( is thrilled to report the results of a security audit of KubeEdge. KubeEdge is an edge computing framework built on top of Kubernetes and extends native containerized application orchestration and management to hosts at the edge. The result of this engagement is the finding…

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