OSTIF + QuarksLab Audit of VeraCrypt Completed – Phase II Begins

OSTIF + QuarksLab Audit of VeraCrypt Completed - Phase II Begins The audit of VeraCrypt has been completed, and the final report is being created over the coming days. The VeraCrypt developers have the preliminary results and we are working with both VeraCrypt and QuarksLab on the timetable for releasing…

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OSTIF, QuarksLab, and VeraCrypt E-mails are Being Intercepted

OSTIF, QuarksLab, and VeraCrypt E-mails are Being Intercepted As we have began the process of staging our audit, we have set up PGP encrypted communications between OSTIF, QuarksLab, and the lead developer of the VeraCrypt project. In these communications we have discussed vulnerability information, processes and procedures for reporting findings,…

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We Have Come to an Agreement to Get VeraCrypt Audited

OSTIF is proud to announce that we have come to an agreement to fully fund an audit of VeraCrypt. Using funds that were donated by DuckDuckGo and VikingVPN, we plan to hire QuarksLab to go over the code and search for vulnerabilities and backdoors. VeraCrypt is a crucial piece of…

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The Haystack – Four Woman Journalists Explore the Scope, Legality, and Ethical Pitfalls of Mass Surveillance.

The Haystack - Four Woman Journalists Explore the Scope, Legality, and Ethical Pitfalls of Mass Surveillance. What is mass surveillance? How do investigative powers of governments differ today from thirty years ago? How intrusive are these powers? Are these powers legal within the constitutions of their respective countries? Who decides…

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A Special Thank You to DuckDuckGo for Supporting OSTIF and VeraCrypt

DuckDuckGo, the privacy search engine that does not track its users, has made a $25,000 contribution to the OSTIF, with the funds earmarked for the VeraCrypt project. These funds will be instrumental in supporting our goals of strengthening VeraCrypt and will directly assist the project in moving forward. DuckDuckGo's business…

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