Our Audit of Kubernetes Event Driven Autoscaling (KEDA) is Complete!

Results of the KEDA Security Engagement KEDA, or the Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling project, was reviewed by Trail of Bits at the end of 2022. KEDA joins a growing list of CNCF Projects audited to improve security posture and help reach graduated status thanks to strategic partner OSTIF. A combination…

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The OSTIF Audit of Curl with Trail of Bits is Complete

Results of curl Security Audit  By: Amir Montazery, OSTIF Open Source Technology Improvement Fund (OSTIF) is thrilled to announce the results of a security audit and threat model for curl. In development since 1998, curl is a command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs. Curl is used…

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Results of the CloudEvents Security Assessment

Open Source Technology Improvement Fund, Inc is happy to announce the results of the CloudEvents Security Assessment. CloudEvents is a specification for describing event data in a common way that simplifies event declaration and delivery across services, platforms, and beyond. CloudEvents has a robust network of contributors and active development…

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A Review of the Linux Kernel’s Release Signing and Key Management Policies

The Linux Foundation sought a review of the kernel teams’ processes for release signing and for the policies and procedures for the handling of the signing keys. Working with OSTIF, Trail of Bits was selected to lead the project and a two person-week review was conducted. Unlike most OSTIF projects,…

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Four Audits of RandomX for Monero and Arweave have been Completed – Results

As always, remember that our work only happens with the support of our sponsors and the community. Consider donating to the cause and getting the companies that you work at and patronize to get involved. We are always short on funding and more money always means more research. Special thank…

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We are Working with the Monero Community for Multiple Audits of RandomX

The Open Source Technology Improvement Fund is working with the Monero community to fund at least two (and probably three) audits of Monero RandomX. What is RandomX? RandomX is a project that implements a dynamic proof of work algorithm. The aim of an algorithm that changes is to make it…

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