OSTIF 2024 Annual Report

2024 was the 9th year of OSTIF, and what an exciting and groundbreaking year it was! Our annual report for 2024 starts with the OSTIF story then moves onto our impact, function, partnerships, funding, and future. We didn’t mince words here- it’s a quick read of less than five minutes.…

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Securing Open-Source Infrastructure with Trail of Bits

OSTIF started performing security audits in earnest in 2018, tackling a new level of involvement open source security. That same year was OSTIF’s first collaboration with security firm Trail of Bits, working together to complete an audit of RandomX. Since then our two companies have worked together on 12 security…

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The Buzz about Mosquitto ‘s Security Audit!

Open source project Mosquitto underwent a security audit with OSTIF and Trail of Bits in collaboration with the Eclipse Foundation. The project, which is a message broker for the MQTT protocol, is designed to connect the Internet of Things. Projects that are open to the internet have increased landscape exposure…

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In-Flux-ible on bugs- Flux undergoes Security Audit with OSTIF and Trail of Bits

OSTIF is proud to announce the publication of a security audit on the Kubernetes cluster tooling Flux in collaboration with Trail of Bits. Performed over four engineer weeks, this is the second security audit with OSTIF that Flux has undertaken, the first having taken place in November 2021. Repeated security…

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OSTIF Has Completed A Security Audit of wasmCloud!

OSTIF and wasmCloud collaborated with Trail of Bits on a security audit of the application which is a deployment platform for distributed Wasm application development. The engagement priorities are listed as, but not limited to: wasmCloud sandboxing capabilities of user-provided code, if users were appropriately limited in their accessible features…

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OSTIF’s Favorite Bug- DragonFly!

This summer, over four engineer weeks, Trail of Bits and OSTIF collaborated on a security audit of DragonFly. A CNCF Incubating Project, DragonFly functions as file distribution for peer-to-peer technologies. Included in the scope was the sub-project Nydus’s repository that works in image distribution. The engagement was outlined and framed…

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