Google is partnering with Open Source Technology Improvement Fund, Inc to sponsor security reviews of critical open source software

Announcement:  Google is partnering with Open Source Technology Improvement Fund, Inc to sponsor security reviews of critical open source software.  OSTIF is elated to announce that we are planning to improve security of eight open-source projects thanks to support from the Google Open Source Security Team. This marks a major…

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A Review of the Linux Kernel’s Release Signing and Key Management Policies

The Linux Foundation sought a review of the kernel teams’ processes for release signing and for the policies and procedures for the handling of the signing keys. Working with OSTIF, Trail of Bits was selected to lead the project and a two person-week review was conducted. Unlike most OSTIF projects,…

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A Review of the Linux Kernel’s Vulnerability Reporting and Remediation

The Linux Foundation has sponsored a review of the Linux Kernel's practices and policies around how security vulnerabilities are reported to the kernel team, how those reports are processed and addressed, and how those vulnerabilities are disclosed to the public. OSTIF, working with the team at Atredis Partners and a…

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The Linux Foundation Public Health Initiative Sponsored the Audit of COVID Exposure Notification Apps. Here Are The Results!

The Linux Foundation's Public Health (LFPH) initiative has sponsored audits of two COVID-19 exposure notification apps, COVID Shield and COVID Green. As part of their stewardship of these projects, the Linux Foundation decided that it would be prudent to perform due diligence by reviewing the design and code of the…

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The OSTIF Audit of Monero CLSAG is Complete! – Results

OSTIF, working with the Monero Community, the Monero development team, Monero Research Lab and Sweetwater Asset Consulting, has completed our latest security review of Monero CLSAG. Concise Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group signatures are a new variant of Monero's current MLSAG (Multilayered Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group signature) scheme. Overall, it promises…

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Four Audits of RandomX for Monero and Arweave have been Completed – Results

As always, remember that our work only happens with the support of our sponsors and the community. Consider donating to the cause and getting the companies that you work at and patronize to get involved. We are always short on funding and more money always means more research. Special thank…

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The OSTIF and Quarkslab Audit of OpenSSL is Complete

We would like to thank our sponsors Private Internet Access and DuckDuckGo for helping to fund this security review, as well as all of our  donors and individual supporters. This crucial work doesn’t happen without support from the community. The quick and dirty: OpenSSL version 1.1.1 was evaluated with special foci on new TLS…

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Read more about the article The OSTIF and QuarksLab Audit of Monero Bulletproofs is Complete – Critical Bug Patched
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The OSTIF and QuarksLab Audit of Monero Bulletproofs is Complete – Critical Bug Patched

Bulletproofs are a specific type of range proof based on new cryptography by Benedikt Bunz et al. Bulletproofs are a trustless proofs setup that are substantially smaller than the current Borromean style range proofs that were previously used, which reduces the size of Monero transactions by 80-90%. Monero’s latest network update,…

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Our Review of the OpenSSL 1.1.1 Random Number Generation Update

We have completed the security review of the new Pseudorandom Number Generator (PRNG) for OpenSSL1.1.1. This security review was sponsored by Private Internet Access, ExpressVPN, DuckDuckGo, OpenVPN, and the privacy community. Random number generation is a crucial component in all cryptography, because the “randomness” of numbers is the mechanism that makes secret numbers hard to guess. Problems…

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